Calendar of 66 persons awaiting trial in Carlow town compiled by Alexander John Humfrey, Clerk of the Peace. The calendar lists the name and age of each defendant, the nature of their crime, date of committal to jail, name of the person by whom committed and whether bailed or in custody. The persons listed comprise 50 men and 16 women aged between 13 and 63. Their crimes include theft (mostly of food items), possession of stolen goods, assault, fighting and making an affray.
County Carlow Office of the Clerk of the PeacePrisoners
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IE 2135 P111
26-27 June 1848
IE 2135 P47
The archive contains a selection of letters and notes written by Republican Prisoners imprisoned in Limerick Jail and the Curragh Internment camp between 1922 and 1923 during and following the Civil War. They comprise in the main thank you-notes for parcels delivered to or sent to them by Annie McGowan, her daughter Sarah and her son Timothy.
McGowan, Anne née Browne (1879-1965), Irish republican