Black and white negative of an Aerlinte plane at Shannon Airport. Negative missing.
Shannon DevelopmentBlack and white negative of an Aerlinte plane at Shannon Airport with the restaurant van in the foreground. Envelope notes the initials R.B.
Shannon DevelopmentBlack and white negative of an Aerlinte plane at Shannon Airport. Negative missing.
Shannon DevelopmentBlack and white negative of an Aerlinte plane at Shannon Airport with the restaurant van in the foreground. Envelope notes the initials R.B.
Shannon DevelopmentBlack and white negatives of an Aerlinte plane at Shannon Airport with the restaurant van in the foreground. Envelope notes the initials R.B.
Shannon DevelopmentBlack and white negative of an Aerlinte Plane from the Control Tower at Shannon Airport. Envelope notes the initials T.J.C
Shannon DevelopmentBlack and white negative of an Aerlinte Poster with a section of it copied. Negative missing.
Shannon DevelopmentAerogramme from Günther in Kassel. Günther has not heard from Hella for some time and surmises that all her letters are waiting in Kassel where everything is supposed to be somewhat in disarray. He has left Kassel for a few days but will be back. He has watched the same film 6 Tage Heimaturlaub.
Fuller, Hella née Scholz (1925-2003)Aerogramme from Günther at the officers’ quarters (air district post office Berlin). He had to leave in a rush again and just had enough time to finish packing her parcel. He hopes to be able to send her his new address soon.
Fuller, Hella née Scholz (1925-2003)Affidavit of the [3rd] Earl of Limerick in support of summons for sale of heirlooms in the matter of the wills of Edmond Henry late [1st] Earl of Limerick deceased and of the Settled Lands Acts 1882 and 1884 in the High Court of Justice Chancery Division. The affidavit incorporates a schedule of items to be sold.
Pery family, Earls of Limerick