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IE 2135 P14/5/2/1/100 · Item · 11 January 1944
Part of The Hella Scholz Papers

From Hella in Crimmitschau. She thanks Günther for the parcel full of sweets etc. that he sent. She has sent the coffee beans and cigars onto her parents. She wonders what the New Year will bring. It seems so uncertain, but she hopes it will bring something good for the both of them. She believes they can both play a part in ensuring that something good happens. She relates an incident where she fell out of bed in her sleep. The accompanying envelope was returned to Hella’s Berlin address and is marked with the words Gefallen für Grossdeutschland (Fallen for Greater Germany).

Fuller, Hella née Scholz (1925-2003)
IE 2135 P14/5/2/1/36 · Item · 23 May 1943
Part of The Hella Scholz Papers

From Hella in Charlottenburg, Berlin. She hopes this letter will reach him punctually on his birthday. She hopes he has received the small parcel she sent. She hopes the biscuits are not too smashed. She ate a few herself. She asks him to take a moment out of his birthday celebrations to think of her. She also asks what it is like to be 20. She believes that his self-confidence must have grown with age. She thinks it would be nice if one could choose when to have a birthday, then Günther could wait until he had leave before having a birthday. She asks if everything is still working out with his holiday plans. Whether she is at school or redeployed, Hella should still be in Berlin. Though she is planning a trip to Linz with school friends and hopes that redeployment does not come in the way. That afternoon Hella is to meet up with an unknown man. Hella along with other girls in her class wrote to solders in Africa. Suddenly Hella had a letter from a tank soldier who was home in Berlin on holiday and wanted to meet her. She did not want to but her friends encouraged her. All the unknown soldiers they had written to were either dead or missing. Even Hella’s mother thought she should meet the man. The second sheet of paper is written later in the evening and starts with an account of the meeting. It was not as bad as she had feared and she had enjoyed hearing about his adventures in Africa. Hella assures Günther that he does not need to worry and can trust her. She wishes him a happy birthday from her family and again from herself. She signs off and in a postscript adds that Günther’s mother has invited her for coffee next Tuesday. With envelope.

Fuller, Hella née Scholz (1925-2003)
IE 2135 P14/5/2/1/48 · Item · 23 July 1943
Part of The Hella Scholz Papers

From Hella in Binz, Rügen. There is a brief discussion as to whether to write the town Parchim with an ‘h’ or not. Hella and Günther’s mother spell the town with an ‘h’, Günther does not. She likes his idea to come and visit him and plans to do so on her return journey. However, first she wants to ask her parents for permission. She would have trouble with her case which is heavy as it contains things for Thüringen. Therefore she suggests Günther comes to Binz. That evening they hope to see ‘our ships’ [presumably the German navy] on a night practise. Earlier in the evening there was evening entertainment at the spa hotel staged by the H. J. (Hitler Jugend, Hitler Youth) for the DRK (Deutsches Rotes Kreutz, German Red Cross). It made a nice change. With envelope.

Fuller, Hella née Scholz (1925-2003)
IE 2135 P14/5/2/1/73 · Item · 10 October 1943
Part of The Hella Scholz Papers

From Hella in Crimmitschau. She writes about her parents’ visit that day from Berlin. Next Wednesday Hella will sit her school leaving exam for athletics. She asks why he isn’t writing. The last page is in a different hand, possibly from Hella’s parents to Günther. With envelope.

Fuller, Hella née Scholz (1925-2003)
IE 2135 P14/5/2/1/79 · Item · 29-30 October 1943
Part of The Hella Scholz Papers

From Hella in Crimmitschau. Everyone around her is studying hard as Hella catches up with her post. Although she hasn’t written in a while she has often thought of him. She is very busy as she is on kitchen duty. She is pleased that she has lost a lot of weight. They have lots of schoolwork. She is only concentrating on the subjects she wants to. At the moment it is German. They are still not allowed to go out much, but Hella often escapes. In answer to his question there is no airport in Crimmitschau but there are in Zwickau and Werdau. The letter is continued next morning. Hella is still unclear about the details of Günther’s plane. She doesn’t feel that she can approach her sachsen comrades as he suggested, as they are avoiding her. She has been nine weeks here and only once to the cinema. However, she does not feel much like going. She closes by saying that it has nearly been a whole year since they met. With envelope.

Fuller, Hella née Scholz (1925-2003)
IE 2135 P14/5/2/1/87 · Item · 27 November 1943
Part of The Hella Scholz Papers

From Hella in Charlottenburg, Berlin. Hella’s parents’ house was affected by the fighting. On phoning home, she found her parents distraught and so came home. It was a very difficult journey. She found the bedroom burnt out and all the windows smashed. There is no water. In comparison to those around them, though, the damage is light and they can still live in the house. She describes some of the destruction in Berlin and the woeful look of its people. Hella sometimes feels ashamed of the peaceful life she has in Crimmitschau. With envelope.

Fuller, Hella née Scholz (1925-2003)
IE 2135 P14/5/2/1/89 · Item · 2 December 1943
Part of The Hella Scholz Papers

From Hella in Crimmitschau. She is enjoying being back, especially as the leaders of the camp have left and it is snowy. She was sad not to find a letter from Günther waiting for her. It has been three months since they have seen each other, so she is sending him some pictures of herself. Others have told her that she now looks much thinner than she was in the pictures. But she cannot believe this as the others are getting fatter. No-one is allowed to go to Berlin for Christmas so Hella does not know where she will be, but she will get holidays. They had a celebration last night and called it the ‘Mountain festival’. Because of the presence of the teachers the atmosphere was a bit strained. She finished his chocolate in Berlin. With envelope.

Fuller, Hella née Scholz (1925-2003)
IE 2135 P14/5/2/1/90 · Item · 5 December 1943
Part of The Hella Scholz Papers

From Hella in Crimmitschau. She has not had post from Günther or her parents. She hopes that the correspondence between herself and Günther will not slowly become one-sided. As it is the second Sunday in Advent they are hoping to have a little celebration in the evening. In the afternoon she hopes to go for a walk to the next village where there is supposed to be good cake. The camp leaders are still not back and the girls are happy for the freedom this brings. In present circumstances it takes about 24 hours to travel from Berlin to Crimmitschau. An unknown female admirer is making Hella’s bed for her, cleaning her shoes etc. She cannot find out who it is. With envelope.

Fuller, Hella née Scholz (1925-2003)
IE 2135 P14/5/2/1/4 · Item · 22 January 1943
Part of The Hella Scholz Papers

From Hella in Charlottenburg, Berlin. She excuses herself for being a lazy letter writer. She has been unable to find a decent picture of herself to send. The house which she used to live in has been bombed. To her surprise she finds herself enjoying her maths classes. She is sure Günther has forgotten a lot on that subject. They have not received their French jotters. She signs off and asks when he will next be paying a surprise visit. With envelope.

Fuller, Hella née Scholz (1925-2003)
IE 2135 P14/5/2/1/11 · Item · 14 February 1943
Part of The Hella Scholz Papers

From Hella in Charlottenburg, Berlin. She thanks Günther for his card from Fürstenwalde and says he has turned into a proper little wanderer. She asks him to write to her and whether he will be coming to Berlin soon. It has been so long she could forget what he looks like. She hopes to send him a picture of herself soon. With envelope.

Fuller, Hella née Scholz (1925-2003)