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IE 2135 P14/5/2/3/22 · Item · 2 May 1950
Part of The Hella Scholz Papers

From Bill in Wheatley. Bill is delighted to have received a letter from Hella and promises to make up for things when she comes over. He does not understand why she feels she has to save up and buy things in Germany, when he will buy them for her in England. He does not want to wait several months. He goes on to tell her to sell the camera to raise the money for her fare. He asks her to write and let him know the exact date that she will be arriving in London, as he will be there to meet her. He ends the letter by telling her how much he loves her and asks her to write soon. With envelope.

Fuller, Hella née Scholz (1925-2003)
IE 2135 P14/5/2/3/25 · Item · 16 May 1950
Part of The Hella Scholz Papers

From Bill in Wheatley. Bill is very happy to have got Hella’s letter and sorry that she is sad and fed up. He is enclosing a letter to Dom (now not present) asking if he would be willing to exchange German Marks for English postal orders. He wants her to come over soon and writes she has to get used to him doing things for her. He asks her to come over after her next pay day and writes that it should not matter how much money she has when she is in England. He asks her not to magnify the difficulties she mentions in her letter. He asks if it would be easier if he sent her the English money and she could exchange it. With envelope.

Fuller, Hella née Scholz (1925-2003)
IE 2135 P14/5/2/3/27 · Item · 30 May 1950
Part of The Hella Scholz Papers

From Bill in Wheatley. Bill has not heard whether Hella got the last three postal orders but is sending £4 more. Dom wrote to Bill to say you could get 15DM for £1 and as Hella said she could get 13 DM, Bill asks her to ensure she is not getting robbed. The pathologist is leaving the army for good tomorrow. Bill will be in sole charge of the laboratory for the next two weeks until the next pathologist arrives on 12 June. With envelope.

Fuller, Hella née Scholz (1925-2003)
IE 2135 P14/5/2/3/28 · Item · 11 June 1950
Part of The Hella Scholz Papers

From Bill in Wheatley. Bill apologises for not having written for so long but things have been hard in the lab and until he left to see his father in London he did not feel able to write. He was left with just two assistants to run the laboratory which is bigger than the Hannover one. An extra man was sent by the ADP but after four days the Company Officer moved him to the wards. He was pleased with Hella’s last two letters and glad she got the postal orders. He stresses that if she needs any more, she should let him know. He refers to the fact that they are getting nearer the time that they will be together. Unfortunately, he has lost the place he had found for her to live but reassures her he has some other places in mind. He asks her to give him a definite date of her arrival. He is sorry to hear she has to work so hard but writes she will not have to work in a laboratory again if she does not want to. With envelope.

Fuller, Hella née Scholz (1925-2003)
IE 2135 P14/5/2/3/31 · Item · 27 August 1950
Part of The Hella Scholz Papers

From Bill in Wheatley. Bill wishes Hella a happy birthday. A present has been sent with the letter which appears to be a book by Rilke, something for her to read whilst she is in hospital. His mother sends her regards and is sending something from London. He did not want to send a big present which she would have to bring over again and the present is late as it was difficult to get it. He appears to be back at school and is finding it hard work and is tired when they return to camp. Bill is pleased to report that the instructor thinks he is quite good. He thanks her for her last letter and is pleased her BSR is back to normal. He apologises for not sending greetings to Gisela before. It was simply an oversight. This will be the first of Hella’s birthdays they have not celebrated together since they met. He thanks her for loving him. He has brought his bicycle to Wheatley and hurt his knee while riding it. With envelope.

Fuller, Hella née Scholz (1925-2003)
IE 2135 P14/5/2/3/36 · Item · 4 May 1956
Part of The Hella Scholz Papers

From Bill at CML, Nicosia. Bill writes that he loves Hella very much and wants them to try again. He has no news she will not have heard on the radio. The wireless is still broken and the army will not pay him £5 [for fixing it]. He has broken the large ashtray and hopes to get it mended after the Greek celebration of Easter. He hopes she is happy and promises if he gets another chance never to make her sad again. He asks her to write.

Fuller, Hella née Scholz (1925-2003)
IE 2135 P14/5/2/3/6 · Item · 1 January 1950
Part of The Hella Scholz Papers

From Bill in the Military Hospital for Head Injuries, Wheatley, Oxfordshire. This is Bill’s first letter to Hella since he left Germany. He arrived safely but not to the place he thought he was to be posted. Bad journey there. He refers to some people she knows who are or were in Wheatley. He is looking for somewhere for Hella to live until they are married and can get quarters. Fletcher has offered a space with his family and little son, or Hella could stay with Bill’s mother. He wishes her a happy New Year and sends his regards to every lady ‘over there’. With envelope.

Fuller, Hella née Scholz (1925-2003)
IE 2135 P14/5/2/3/10 · Item · 31 January 1950
Part of The Hella Scholz Papers

From Bill in Wheatley. He thanks Hella for writing to him. He has delayed replying by a day as he has been busy. He agrees with her that it would be a good idea for her to get a job and backs this up with an example of a sergeant who is married to a Finn he met in Hamburg. The wife works in Oxford and they both have bicycles. Bill thinks they should get a bicycle for Hella. Apologises for any wrongdoing in the past, writing that he will never hurt her again. He is glad that she is going to Berlin to see her mother, but sorry that this will delay her arrival in England by a month. He goes on to ask when he should send on the papers for her to travel to England and finishes by telling her how much he loves her and writes if she needs anything he can send it. A postscript emphasises that Bill needs to know as soon as possible about the papers and writes that she needs to come over as his fiancée and then find work because if she comes over on work papers she could be sent anywhere. With envelope.

Fuller, Hella née Scholz (1925-2003)
IE 2135 P14/5/2/3/12 · Item · 12 February 1950
Part of The Hella Scholz Papers

From Bill in Wheatley. Bill is worried that he has not yet had a letter from Hella. He promises that the bad days of the past are over and he has not done a thing in England he would not tell her about. He cannot explain the past but supposes it may be due to his ex-wife and the frustration of keeping their relationship secret. If Hella comes over as his fiancée, she has two months in which to decide whether to marry him or not. As soon as he can get to London for the papers he will. He has arranged for lodgings for Hella but is finding it embarrassing that he cannot say when she will come over. He asks her if she has had her wedding dress made yet. With envelope.

Fuller, Hella née Scholz (1925-2003)
IE 2135 P14/5/2/3/16 · Item · 18 April 1950
Part of The Hella Scholz Papers

From Bill in Wheatley. Bill thanks Hella for her letter and wishes her a happy Easter. He went to London for four days and left his washing with his mother. He can easily get an advertisement published for Gerhard but it would be expensive. Hella has asked for tights and Bill writes these are scarce in England but suggests that he send a postal order to her for her to see if she can get a pair from the Navy, Army and Air Force Institute (NAAFI) via an army wife. He asks Hella to look into the possibility of this. He asks how she is planning to come over, by plane and luggage by sea? He asks when she will be coming. He is listening to a German radio station and they are playing ‘Die Fledermaus’. With envelope.

Fuller, Hella née Scholz (1925-2003)