Circular no. 16 relating to railway demolition without explosives and ambushing of troop train.
MacCarthy, John Maurice (1896-1976), Irish VolunteerCircular to Brigade Commandant attaching forms (now not present) to be filled in to detail military and police actions.
MacCarthy, John Maurice (1896-1976), Irish VolunteerCircular from Ernie O’Malley, Commandant 2nd Southern Division, relating to the opportunity presented by the Truce for organization and training, and providing instructions for how such training should be approached.
MacCarthy, John Maurice (1896-1976), Irish VolunteerCircular from Golden Vale Co-Operative Creameries Ltd relating to the price of milk.
Allott family of Odellville, County LimerickCircular from Ernie O’Malley, Commandant 2nd Southern Division, relating to the reorganisation of the IRA in villages and towns.
MacCarthy, John Maurice (1896-1976), Irish VolunteerCircular from Ernie O’Malley, Commandant 2nd Southern Division, relating to the training and equipping of men to carry out operations in towns.
MacCarthy, John Maurice (1896-1976), Irish VolunteerCircular relating to a series of workshops to be held by the TUANC during the third Carnsore Point Anti-Nuclear Rally in August 1980.
Dalby, Simon, Professor EmeritusCircular to milk suppliers from An Bord Bainne regarding the need for an increase in the administration levy to keep pace with inflation. Attached to the circular is an undated note from Michael J. Lenihan, Group Chief Executive, Golden Vale Co-Operative Creameries Ltd. regarding a revised milk price and milk assembly charges.
Allott family of Odellville, County LimerickCirculars aimed at anti-nuclear groups, inviting them to a meeting on uranium mining and its associated activities and outlining the aims of the meeting, its speakers and programme. The meeting is to take place on Saturday 28 June [1980].
Dalby, Simon, Professor EmeritusCirculars jointly signed by Bart Evers, Ab Olthoff and Rainer Lescher relating to a Ferenka reunion, providing dates, venues, provisional programmes, names of attendees and other information. Attached to the last letter is a photocopy of a press cutting from the Limerick Leader relating to Herrema’s participation in the reunion.
Herrema, Tiede (1921-2020), managing director of Ferenka Ltd.