Softback ledger containing Castle Otway Rentals, recording denomination, name of tenant, yearly rent, rent due to 1 May 1850, amount received and observations.
Looney, Timothy (Tim) (1914-1990), local historianSoftback ledger containing a list of stores at hand of G Company 2nd Limerick City Battalion Mid Limerick Brigade. Also a list of the subscription contributions of the G Company’s officers and men for the week ending 6 November 1921, listing the name, address and occasionally occupation of each contributor; and a list of G Company’s expenses for the same week. The rest of the ledger is blank.
Healy, Michael, Irish VolunteerSoftback notebook containing accounts of flour, sugar, lard and yeast and wages paid.
Daly Family of Limerick CitySoftback notebook containing accounts of flour, sugar, lard and yeast and wages paid.
Daly Family of Limerick CityThis sub-series contains documents produced by the Socialist Labour Party (SLP).
Dalby, Simon, Professor EmeritusThis sub-series contains notes taken by Simon Dalby relating to the Socialist Labour Party.
Dalby, Simon, Professor EmeritusSocial Welfare Acts insurance card application form, completed in Herrema’s hand.
Herrema, Tiede (1921-2020), managing director of Ferenka Ltd.Sternaux, Ludwig. So wuch’s Berlin: Die Geschichte der Reichshauptstadt in zwölf bunten Kartenbildern, Berlin, Berliner Lokal-Anzeiger, 1937. Contains pasted-in maps, some of which have become loose.
Fuller, Hella née Scholz (1925-2003)Poem entitled So Many Children written by Frances Condell under the pseudonym Pat Francis.
Condell, Frances née Eades (1916-1986), first female Mayor of LimerickPoem entitled So Many Children written by Frances Condell under her own name.
Condell, Frances née Eades (1916-1986), first female Mayor of Limerick