Black and white negative of a group of students on the steps in transit from Shannon Airport. Negative missing.
Shannon DevelopmentBlack and white negative of a group of Shannon College of Hotel Management students posing in the courtyard. Negative missing.
Shannon DevelopmentBlack and white negative of a group of the students in the Charles Heidsteck Course in the Shannon College of Hotel Management posing in the courtyard.
Shannon DevelopmentBlack and white negative of a group of the students in the George O'Malley Course in the Shannon College of Hotel Management posing in the courtyard.
Shannon DevelopmentBlack and white negative of a group of the students in the Charles Heidsteck Course in the Shannon College of Hotel Management posing in the courtyard.
Shannon DevelopmentBlack and white negatives of students (believed to be from Shannon College of Hotel Management) in the public lounge. Negative missing.
Shannon DevelopmentBlack and white negatives of students (believed to be from Shannon College of Hotel Management) in the public lounge. Negative missing.
Shannon DevelopmentBlack and white negative of eight students in the kitchen. Negative missing.
Shannon DevelopmentBlack and white negative of a group of students from Trinity College at Shannon Airport. Negative missing.
Shannon DevelopmentBlack and white negative of a Canadian mining group at Shannon Airport. Negative missing.
Shannon Development