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Francis Arthur's Rent Book (single-item collection)
Francis Arthur's Rent Book (single-item collection)
Minute Book of the Mid-Limerick Brigade of the National Association of Old IRA (single-item collection)
Minute Book of the Mid-Limerick Brigade of the National Association of Old IRA (single-item collection)
Records of the 10th Royal Hussars (single-item collection)
Records of the 10th Royal Hussars (single-item collection)
Records of the Limerick Protestant Young Men’s Association
Records of the Limerick Protestant Young Men’s Association
The Agnes Mary Gaffney Collection
The Agnes Mary Gaffney Collection
The Allott Papers
The Allott Papers
The Armstrong Papers
The Armstrong Papers
The Armstrong Photographs
The Armstrong Photographs
The Ballingal and Travers Collection
The Ballingal and Travers Collection