Black and white negative of a travel agent at Shannon Airport. Negative missing..
Shannon DevelopmentShannon Airport
4133 Archival description results for Shannon Airport
Black and white negative spare of the travel agent, taken for Aer Lingus. Negative missing.
Shannon DevelopmentBlack and white negative of a travel agent at Shannon Airport. Negative missing.
Shannon DevelopmentBlack and white negative of the Transit Shop and Camera Counter at Shannon Airport with people buying goods. Negative missing.
Shannon DevelopmentBlack and white negative of the Transit Shop and Camera Counter at Shannon Airport with people. Negative missing.
Shannon DevelopmentBlack and white negative of the Transit Shop in Shannon Airport, featuring the Souvenir Counter in the background. Envelope notes the initials T.J.C.
Shannon DevelopmentBlack and white negatives of the Transit Shop in Shannon Airport, featuring the Linen and Woollens Counters in the background. One negative vinegar damaged. Envelope notes the initials T.J.C.
Shannon DevelopmentBlack and white negative of the Transit Shop in Shannon Airport, featuring the Linen and Tweeds Counters in the background. Negative missing.
Shannon DevelopmentBlack and white negative of the Transit Shop in Shannon Airport, featuring the Linen and Tweeds Counters in the background. Negative vinegar damaged. Envelope notes the initials T.J.C.
Shannon DevelopmentBlack and white negative of the Transit Shop in Shannon Airport, featuring the Souvenir Counter in the background. Envelope notes the initials T.J.C.
Shannon Development