Black and white negative of a Pan American Airlines (PAA), Swissair, and Trans World Airline Jet on the ramp at Shannon Airport. Negative missing.
Shannon DevelopmentShannon Airport
4133 Archival description results for Shannon Airport
Black and white negative Pan American Airlines (PAA) welcoming the Immaculate Conception Group at Shannon Airport. Envelope notes the initials R.B.
Shannon DevelopmentBlack and white negative of the Pan American Airlines (PAA) group welcoming the Irish Medical Society. Negative missing.
Shannon DevelopmentBlack and white negative of the Pan American Airlines (PAA) group welcoming the Irish Medical Society. Negative missing.
Shannon DevelopmentBlack and white negative of a Pan American Airlines (PAA) tour leader with a group of 73. Negative missing.
Shannon DevelopmentBlack and white negative of the Pan American Airlines (PAA) Refersher Course on the DCS. Negative missing.
Shannon DevelopmentBlack and white negative of Pan American Airlines (PAA) presenting a pin. Negative missing.
Shannon DevelopmentBlack and white negative spares of a presentation to Pan American Airlines (PAA) with Art Gayor.
Shannon DevelopmentBlack and white negative of a presentation to Pan American Airlines (PAA) with Art Gayor.
Shannon DevelopmentBlack and white negative of a Pan American Airlines (PAA) presentation at Shannon Airport. Negative missing.
Shannon Development